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Down On The Intensive Farm

10 Jun

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A few shots from Watts Farms in Kent. They grow and supply herbs, salad leaves and various exotic vegetables for supermarkets and restaurants. It’s a fascinatingly high-tech set-up where skilled, mainly nepalese pickers and packers can earn up to £1000 per week and ways of growing popular fashionable crops, that you wouldn’t expect to be grown near the M25, are researched and quickly put into practice.

Never Mind The Bullocks

1 Jun

While enjoying a bit of rural family R&R in Somerset yesterday, I was asked if I had any nice farm shots to show a potential client. So camera in hand and hope in my heart, I climbed over the gate into the nearest field and got some shots of a distant herd of farmyard beasts. They seemed interested in me though, and moved closer with increasing speed. Shouting at them made them stop for a few seconds and I got this picture but after this seemingly serene moment, they charged and I fled back to the gate skidding in cow pats, all dignity lost.